Lab facilities and equipment

Our labs in the Chemistry Centre allow for environmental chemistry experiments and trace analysis of contaminants. In addition to our spaces, we frequently use instruments and collaborate with the staff in the Department’s excellent Mass Spectrometry Facility (Sciex API 5000, Thermo Orbitrap Exploris 240 and Exactive, among other instruments) and NMR facility. We sometimes use the Analytical and Instrumentation Lab and Biological Services, and greatly benefit from the machine shop, glassblower, and stores and receiving.

Coming summer 2025! Our own triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with both ultra-high performance liquid chromatography and supercritical fluid chromatography! This will allow for ultra-trace analysis of organic contaminants, including very polar ones that are difficult to analyze with traditional reverse phase chromatography. Funded by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation John R. Evans Leaders Fund.

Ion Chromatography

Dionex ICS 5000+ equipped with an autosampler, suppressor and conductivity detection with updated software. We analyze fluoride, chloride, and some organic acids (including TFA) in laboratory experiments. The IC is watched over by Charlie Chromeleon!

Fluoride Ion Selective Electrode

Sometimes we prefer to use our fluoride ion selective electrode for quick and simple fluoride measurements.

Deionized water

Our Milli-Q EQ 7000 water system provides continuous supply of 18.2 MΩ-cm water.


Waters 2695 HPLC with dual wavelength UV, fluorescence, and electrochemical detectors. We’ve given this workhorse a second life and it produces great data.

Flow tube setup

Our house-built 9L flow tube has an injection port, ozone monitor, and in addition to offline analysis, can be connected to a Thermo EI-GC-MS with a gas sampling valve.


Our Luzchem LZC photoreactor is used for aquatic photochemistry experiments. We have UVA, UVB and UVC lamps.

Sample preparation

We have standard laboratory equipment including a 24 position nitrogen evaporator, solid phase extraction manifold, vortex mixers, cold storage, and two centrifuges (not pictured).